Category Archives: Windows 8

Whitepaper: User virtualization and Windows 7


AppSense user virtualization and Windows 7
Microsoft Windows 7 looks set to be the next big desktop operating system, with many organizations refreshing their PC estate as they move to Windows 7. This refresh will
inevitably bring about a reassessment of the corporate desktop estate; one that is likely to consider lowering desktop management costs by moving to centrally-managed virtual desktops.

Engelskaugust 2012AppSense Ltd.Desktop-virtualisering (VDI)

Whitepaper: The migration equation making sense of the move to Windows 7


Making sense of the move to Windows 7
Tempted by the perceived benefits of newer technology – greater productivity, better security, more effective management among them – IT professionals discover that the problems associated with OS upgrades are many and varied too. One problem in particular, though, has historically proved especially troublesome – the complexity of migrating users and their settings across OS versions.

Engelskaugust 2012AppSense Ltd.Desktop-virtualisering (VDI)

Whitepaper: Migrating to Windows 7


Migrating to Microsoft Windows 7
The adoption of Microsoft Windows 7 is a major objective for every enterprise organization.
By employing user virtualization technology as part of a people centric approach to your
Windows 7 migration, you can realize the benefits of Windows 7 sooner, while also reducing the project complexity and cost. Read more in this report.

Engelskaugust 2012AppSense Ltd.Desktop-virtualisering (VDI)