En tablet, der kører fuld Windows 8 og har både pegepind og indbygget tastatur, er angiveligt på vej fra Sony.
Category Archives: Windows 8
Rygte: Nokia afslører 2 nye Windows-telefoner 5. september
Nokia vil angiveligt præsentere Windows Phone 8-telefonerne Arrow og Phi ved et arrangement med Microsoft 5. september.
Microsoft skifter logo efter 25 år
Det er mere kvadratisk og regulært, men så er omvæltningen heller ikke større. Microsoft skifter logo efter 25 år.
Spilmotoren Unity satser både på Windows 8 og Windows Phone 8
Unity sprang Windows Phone 7 over, men med lanceringen af den næste version af Microsofts mobilstyresystem vil Unity understøtte platformen.
Ny Windows 8-licens bliver langt mere forståelig
De nye brugerbetingelser for Windows 8 er skrevet i et mere hverdagsagtigt sprog, end de tidligere styresystemers – der mest af alt lignede tørre lovtekster.
Atea: Tablets kan åbne virksomhedens porte for Windows 8
Det bliver ikke så meget Microsofts nye styresystem i sig selv, men snarere nye tablets og ultrabooks, som vil få Windows ind i virksomhederne, lyder vurderingen fra Atea.
Lenovo: Tablets med Windows RT vil koste 3.000 kroner
En tablet med Windows RT vil koste 200 til 300 dollars mindre end en tablet med Windows 8. Dermed vil prisen formentligt lande på cirka 3.000 kroner.
Whitepaper: User virtualization and Windows 7
AppSense user virtualization and Windows 7
Microsoft Windows 7 looks set to be the next big desktop operating system, with many organizations refreshing their PC estate as they move to Windows 7. This refresh will
inevitably bring about a reassessment of the corporate desktop estate; one that is likely to consider lowering desktop management costs by moving to centrally-managed virtual desktops.
Engelskaugust 2012AppSense Ltd.Desktop-virtualisering (VDI)
Whitepaper: The migration equation making sense of the move to Windows 7
Making sense of the move to Windows 7
Tempted by the perceived benefits of newer technology – greater productivity, better security, more effective management among them – IT professionals discover that the problems associated with OS upgrades are many and varied too. One problem in particular, though, has historically proved especially troublesome – the complexity of migrating users and their settings across OS versions.
Engelskaugust 2012AppSense Ltd.Desktop-virtualisering (VDI)
Whitepaper: Migrating to Windows 7
Migrating to Microsoft Windows 7
The adoption of Microsoft Windows 7 is a major objective for every enterprise organization.
By employing user virtualization technology as part of a people centric approach to your
Windows 7 migration, you can realize the benefits of Windows 7 sooner, while also reducing the project complexity and cost. Read more in this report.
Engelskaugust 2012AppSense Ltd.Desktop-virtualisering (VDI)